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2007年8月4日 星期六

I want to go shopping!!

好想去買衣服, 鞋子, 手飾,
但我沒有錢!! 哈哈!!
花光了!! 還沒有領到這個月的薪水!!
好慘! 好可憐!!

What the hell is going on?
How come the weather so fucking hot?
It made me melting all the time!
All wet! Keep sweating!
Glad that I spend most of my time in the office.
No need to stand on the street under 30C!!
I just wondering how can people still alive under the big sun?
How come those MEN still can wear they Suit when they are all wet?
Very weird!!

My office super cold,
I keep running nose,
and need to wear a thick jacket!
I wish they can switch off the air conditioner,
and only switch on the fan for me!
I can save money for them!


I don't know why just keep so sleepy all the time at mid night,
I can only studying after 12:00PM.
Because my family are too noisy,
I can't concentrate to study with those TV noise.
After they all went to sleep,
then I finally can study,
but then I feel so sleepy around 1PM too.
I wish I can sleep less and study more!
My LAW assignment being marked!
68!!!! Oh my god!
Last time was 40 only.
YEah! SO Happy!!!
一定要話比我寶貝聽, 等佢讚下我!
After the Exam, must do something to 獎勵自己!!!
Go shopping?? Buy clothes??
Buy new LV bag?? Go travel??
I don't know...
I just want to make myself happy.
I don't want to cry all the time!!!

But fisrt of all,
I need to earn more money!!!

2 個別人留下的字句:

07P2H 提到...

glad that everything is running smoothly for you now.

伏龍 提到...

相比起其他, 我反而擔心妳的身體...