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2007年1月27日 星期六

I am reading a psycho book!!!

Just find out a passage quite good,
want to share here.
But it is in chinese words.
So maybe better to understand what is the meaning!!

我怎樣才能通過將他人看作目的, 以表示對他人的尊重呢??
在第一種情況下, 我可以把他人看作環境鏈條的一個環節,
在第二種情況下, 我應當盡力去理解他人.
唯有通過對鄰人產生興趣, 而不必真的告訴他,
唯有通過思考這個人, 理解他的工作, 與他的命運產生共鳴,
以及設法去理解他, 才能做到真正地去尊重鄰人.
唯有克服自身的苦惱, 成為無私的人,
唯有能夠克制自己的不耐煩, 努力去理解他人,

NICE??? I believe that too,
sometimes when I know someone is better than me,
I will jealous, and can't believe what she have now.
This is selfish! This is jealous!
This is why I can't closer with her,
or why we so easy have agrue...
All of these because I am selfish and jealous her.
But what should I do??
Respect...I thought that if I no hurt people and being polite is already respect.
But can I be more patient?
Can I try to understand her?
Can I no compare with her?
Can I forget the fight with her before?
I don't know, books didn't teach me how to do!

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